Tempsure Vitalia
Tempsure Vitalia – Rockford, IL

TempSure® Vitalia Vaginal Rejuvenation

Your Problem Solved
The TempSure® Vitalia Vaginal Rejuvenation treatment is a non-invasive, non-hormonal and chemical-free solution for women’s wellness. Best of all, there’s no downtime, so it fits perfectly into your busy schedule.
What is it?
The TempSure® Vitalia treatment gently delivers therapeutic heat to your most sensitive areas to increase local circulation.
How Does It Work?
The treatment works by delivering therapeutic heat to the target tissue to temporarily increase local circulation and decrease pain and muscle spasms.
The procedure is delivered using a probe specifically designed for your most sensitive areas.
What to expect during the procedure:
There is no need for numbing this procedure is very comfortable, no pain at all. During the procedure a small probe is inserted into the vaginal canal that transfers radio frequency into the vaginal tissue creating a warm water sensation. Post care will be given, there is no down time.
What to expect after:
There is no swelling and no pain after the treatment. Most have reported improvement in menstrual cycle symptoms, woke up well rested, vaginal tightening , inside felt smoother and the outside firmer, appearance had raised up and tightened, no leakage, improved intimacy.