Microcurrent Therapy
Microcurrent Therapy – Rockford, IL
Microcurrent - Painless way to reduce wrinkles.
Microcurrent facial machines send a gentle wave to the muscles of the face, stimulate collagen development and tighten skin appearance.
A microcurrent facial stimulates the facial muscles for a natural lift. This noninvasive, injection-free, and painless procedure uses electricity to promote cell growth in skin.
Microcurrent facial machines use low-voltage electricity to send a gentle wave to the muscles of the face, stimulate collagen development and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) cell growth, and tighten skin appearance. This tightens and smooths the muscles and connective tissues in the face by increasing cellular activity, and has been shown to reduce wrinkles
This gentle wave of energy is nearly identical to the body’s natural ionic flow and has been shown to increase ATP (bodies cellular energy) concentration up to 400%, while simultaneously stimulating protein synthesis and promoting amino acid transport.
As we age, our skin’s natural ability to manufacture these protein fibers reduces, giving way to the multiple signs of aging. ATP’s increased production of proteins and amino acids during facial stimulation helps to energize and tone facial muscles over time—just like how exercise energizes and strengthens the muscles of our body. Unlike anywhere else on the body, the facial muscles are directly connected to the skin, so the result of energizing the muscle is often improved, providing a smooth and lifted appearance.
To get the best results from microcurrent facials individuals may need several sessions and treatments done consistently. The power in its effect is cumulative, meaning the benefits add up and stick around with frequent treatments.